Irina Vladimirovna Ermakova, Russian, was born in
Moscow in 1952. During school years she actively attended biological
societies, was a member of the All-Union society for protection of a
nature. In 1972 she became a student of Biological faculty of Lomonosov
Moscow State University. After being graduated from the University she
became postgraduate student at Institute of General and Pedagogical
Psychology. In 1981 she defended PhD, and in 2001 - the Dr. Sc. thesis.
Now she works as a leading scientist at the Institute of Higher Nervous
Activity and Neurophysiology of Russian Academy of Sciences. She is a
member of coordination committee of interregional association of
trade-union organizations of science centers "For preservation and
development of scientific and technical potential of the country".
In 1998 Irina V. Ermakova, concerned by sharp
deterioration of an Environmental condition and disappearance of
different species of animals and plants, began actively engaged in
ecology. The growth of cardiac, mental and tumor diseases, especially
in polluted areas, caused the anxiety also. Her papers were published
in different social and political editions: the ecological newspaper
"Rescue", “Economic newspaper”, "Knowledge - authority", magazine
"National safety and the geopolitics" and others. She acts on problems
of ecology, health of the population, family and school, moral and
spiritual education in different political forums and conferences,
Parliamentary Sessions at the State Duma. In 2003 Irina Ermakova
participated as a candidate to deputies of the State Duma in
one-mandatory district, created the program "Ecological SOS".