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My publications
- "Russians threatened by GM Genocide"
In the Russian Internet News site "MK"
http://www.mk.ru/numbers/2565/article90467.htm, January 26, 2007
- "Genetically modified organisms and biological risks."
In the "Proceedings of International Disaster Reduction Conference
(IDRC)" Davos, Switzerland August 27th – September 1st, 2006,
- "Genetically modified organisms could be real threat
to the life."
(Reply to ACNFP on the “Statement on the effect of GM soy on newborn
- "Influence of genetically modified soya on the
birth-weight and survival of rat pups"
In Proceedings of the Conference Epigenetics, Transgenic Plants &
Risk Assessment 2006, pp. 41-48
- "Genetically modified organisms change climate."
- "Stop transgenization of the
country", the
letter to the President of the Russian
Federation. In the newspaper "The nature-resource SHEETS", pp.
2004, page 1.
- "Why the Humanity destroys the Environment?" In the
journal “Human child” (“Ditya chelovecheskoe”), 4, 2004, pp.
- "On a threshold of ecological catastrophe". In the
book "Ecology and politics: together or separately", Moscow, 2004,
pp. 10-19.
- "Russian roulette. Delayed–action mine, or why
generically modified organisms are so dangerous". In the newspaper "The
nature-resource SHEETS", 38-39, October 2004, page 7.
- "The changing world". Interview of Irina Pushkina
with Irina Ermakova in the journal "Elite of Russia", section
"Ecology". June 2004, pp. 14-18.
- "Terrible itch". Interview of Elena Serova with Irina
Ermakova in the newspaper "Moscow truth". 69, April 15, 2004,
- "The end of sexual world". Interview of Elena Serova
with Irina Ermakova in the newspaper "The Moscow truth". 56,
27, 2004, pp. 1-2.