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My publications

  1. "Russians threatened by GM Genocide" In the Russian Internet News site "MK" http://www.mk.ru/numbers/2565/article90467.htm, January 26, 2007
  2. "Genetically modified organisms and biological risks." In the "Proceedings of International Disaster Reduction Conference (IDRC)" Davos, Switzerland August 27th – September 1st, 2006, pp.168-172
  3. "Genetically modified organisms could be real threat to the life." (Reply to ACNFP on the “Statement on the effect of GM soy on newborn rats”)
  4. "Influence of genetically modified soya on the birth-weight and survival of rat pups" In Proceedings of the Conference Epigenetics, Transgenic Plants & Risk Assessment 2006, pp. 41-48
  5. "Genetically modified organisms change climate."
  6. "Stop transgenization of the country", the open letter to the President of the Russian Federation. In the newspaper "The nature-resource SHEETS", pp. 44-45, 2004, page 1.
  7. "Why the Humanity destroys the Environment?" In the journal “Human child” (“Ditya chelovecheskoe”), 4, 2004, pp. 16-19.
  8. "On a threshold of ecological catastrophe". In the book "Ecology and politics: together or separately", Moscow, 2004, pp. 10-19.
  9. "Russian roulette. Delayed–action mine, or why generically modified organisms are so dangerous". In the newspaper "The nature-resource SHEETS", 38-39, October 2004, page 7.
  10. "The changing world". Interview of Irina Pushkina with Irina Ermakova in the journal "Elite of Russia", section "Ecology". June 2004, pp. 14-18.
  11. "Terrible itch". Interview of Elena Serova with Irina Ermakova in the newspaper "Moscow truth". 69, April 15, 2004, pp. 1-2.
  12. "The end of sexual world". Interview of Elena Serova with Irina Ermakova in the newspaper "The Moscow truth". 56, March 27, 2004, pp. 1-2.

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